Alameda Theatre & Cineplex offers a weekly showtime newsletter for the convenience of our patrons. The newsletter is generally sent out on Thursdays and includes the upcoming show schedule, synopsis of new and upcoming films, and special offers. Occasionally, we will send event announcements and customer satisfaction surveys to our subscribers as well.

Privacy Policy

Any personal information collected by Alameda Theatres will be used solely for internal purposes in accordance with our privacy policy. It will not be rented, sold or given away.

How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe

Managing your subscription is easy! Simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page to subscribe or unsubscribe. Alameda Theatres uses “double opt-in” verification to prevent unauthorized persons from signing your email address up. When subscribing an email will be sent to your email address verifying your subscription. Simply follow the link in the email to complete your subscription.

To unsubscribe, follow the link at the bottom of your newsletter.


Some email programs or servers will attempt to block our newsletter as spam. If you are not receiving news-letters, please add to your address book!

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