Dear Alameda Theatre & Cinema Grill Guests:


We understand this is a difficult time for all of us and we humbly acknowledge the reality of the situation we are facing and remain here to serve you.


With COVID-19 as a growing concern, we would like to express what we are doing to mitigate and protect the welfare of all our guests. We are working diligently to follow the best practices from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). As a result, you can expect us to continuously take the following steps:


• Encourage frequent use of online ticketing at to lower person to person interaction (Our service charges are the lowest in the area).
• Limited seating capacity to improve and allow social distancing.
• Sanitizing the lobby, concessions area, and restrooms throughout the day.
• Sanitizing each theater between each showing; including seats, controls, armrests and tables.
• Every employee is charged with the highest standard of personal hygiene and team members are receiving ongoing briefings with updated protocols.
• Employees displaying any symptoms of illness are required to stay home
• As regulated by the CDC: Frequent hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
• Bathrooms are equipped with the necessary technology to limit touching of any surface, including automatic: sinks, soap dispensers and paper towel dispensers.
• We are working to increase the deployment of antibacterial hand sanitizer within our facilities.
• If you as a potential guest are feeling any Covid-19 symptoms or are feeling sick, please stay home.


We will work to stay aware of any WHO and CDC safety protocols or updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email us at


Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for movie news and other updates regarding COVID-19 protocols.


We are taking great pride in the role we play in putting your health and safety first during these challenging times. We commit to you that our continued actions will be responsible, clear and adaptive to the ever-changing situation. So, the next time we have the privilege of welcoming you into one of our theaters, you can know our commitment to you remains as steadfast as ever!


We can’t wait to see you see you at the movies!


-Alameda Theatre and Cinema Grill

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